Level Up: Using Language

One of our most effective resources as teachers is language. Effectively communicating the mechanics or quality of a movement can facilitate a student’s connection to their movement practice in new and exciting ways, while thoughtless language can have the exact opposite effect, excluding students and undermining their relationship to their practice. We believe that language matters, and that students should expect a higher level of commitment from their movement instructors to precision, anatomical accuracy, and respect. 

In this 3 hour workshop we’ll dissect some of the most overused cues in fitness, and explore more nuanced alternatives. We’ll look at the difference between directional cues, image cues, feeling cues, and intention cues, and how to align their delivery with your own values as an instructor. 

This workshop is for movement instructors of any modality who want to refine their use of language both inside of the studio and out.

Next Workshop: TBA

Where: Online

Investment: €150 (VAT incl)